what is used with the latest arrival date to define a delivery window for transportation planning

  Configuration Options for Delivery Transfer

When configuring the transportation planning interface in SAP Customizing, you have the option of specifying technical or functional parameters, which decide how message is sent to the planning system and which modifications should be carried out in message before transfer.


SAP uses this word to describe the necessary table settings for adjusting the SAP system to the needs of the user. For case:

Key values are determined with their attributes (for example, shipment types)

Number ranges are maintained (for case, shipment number)

organizational units are created and maintained (for example, transportation planning points)

Procedures for sending documents are configured (for example, message control)

Procedures for modifying documents are created (for example, route restrictions)

Other customer-specific organisation settings can be executed

The descriptions for Customizing settings are available in detail in the Implementation Guidelines in Online assist. Item specifications for setting the transportation planning interface tin be found in IMG under Tools Customizing Implementation projects SAP Reference IMG Logistics General SCP Interfaces Transportation Planning Interface

Planning Restrictions for Routes

In some planning situations the whole transportation process is not determined by one transportation planning system for individual deliveries. In lodge to optimize the planning of domestic transportation (roads) for companies sending deliveries both at home and abroad, a planning system might be used where shipment documents can also exist manually generated using SAP transactions for transportation activities for overseas shipments (bounding main routes). In this case, the transportation planning system has to be notified that the destination location for planning is not definite for deliveries abroad, only that automatic planning should take place for another location (for example, difference harbor or border location). Similar situations ascend for orders that are shipped from the shipping location exterior the planning surface area of the transportation planning organization for which an automatic subsequent leg planning should exist carried out.

Planning restrictions are linked to the combination of transportation planning system (transportation planning betoken) and routes. Thus for every planning system and delivery road joined together, you can determine separately how a substitution for the departure or destination location tin be carried out in planning requests.

To determine a substitute divergence or destination location for planning, location substitution procedures are used. A substitution procedure is composed of a sequence of weather condition, that are checked i afterward the other until a valid substitution for the departure or destination location has been institute. Once a substitution location has been establish, the time specifications for the location are also reset as far equally is possible.

The following weather condition tin can exist used in a substitution location procedure.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

All the search strategies simply refer to documents currently in use for the document being candy. Locations that are used as deviation and destination locations for the delivery in existing shipment are those where the commitment is loaded or unloaded but not the absolute beginning or stop of a shipment.


Time substitute

Location substituted with..


A, P

Departure location of earliest main leg shipment


A, P

Departure location of primeval preliminary leg shipment


A, P

Departure location of primeval subsequent leg shipment



Divergence points in delivery road


A, P

Earliest departure location of any shipment


A, P

Destination location of latest primary leg shipment


A, P

Destination location of latest preliminary leg shipment


A, P

Destination location of latest subsequent leg shipment



Destination points in commitment route


A, P

Latest destination location in whatever shipment Transports



Definite entered transportation connection points


User-specific commutation

If a substitution location is constitute, the system also tries to determine the connection scheduling for the departure or arrival fourth dimension of the commitment to the substitution location (time substitute). This is done past applying the following procedures:

Time substitute



Substitute with current transportation time (this takes priority due to precision, may only be maintained nonetheless in exceptional cases).


Substitute with planned times from shipment document.


Calculates new times based on delivery / GI date and the preliminary, primary and subsequent leg times of the road specified in Customizing.

User-specific location substitution takes place using a customer part. For more information, run across SAP Organization Settings and Modifications as well as in the online help for client functions.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

Location and Time Substitution with reference to Existing Shipments

Automatic connection scheduling to existing SAP shipments tin can only take identify properly if the important data have been maintained in SAP shipment documents. The following information are absolutely necessary in the shipment document:

Departure and destination location

Planned departure and arrival time in shipment header

Delivery consignment

If a connection to a stop-off shipment is planned, the post-obit data must also be maintained:

Shipment stages

Delivery assignment to legs

Difference and inflow times at shipment stage

If possible, you should besides ensure that all address data for the locations to be visited is maintained.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

Instance: Location substitution for Subsequent Leg Planning

The "Germany Roads" planning system is used for planning the subsequent legs in the delivery route "North America-Hamburg," which ways that the departure location for the delivery is in North America (that is, outside the planning area) and must be substituted past a suitable starting location for the planning organization. The determination procedure will place the following condition sequence, which is candy sequentially until a exchange location has been found:

End of the last main leg: if one or more main legs exist for the corresponding delivery, the destination location of the last main leg is used as the starting location for the planning. The shipment stop date becomes the shipment departure appointment.

End of delivery road: if in being, the end point of the commitment is used as the starting point of the planning. The divergence time is determined using the delivery engagement and the specified subsequent leg fourth dimension.

Predefined points: points defined in Customizing are used and a departure time is not adamant.

No substitution takes place.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

The following shows the four most relevant substitution procedures with their condition steps.

Automated Preliminary Leg Planning: Connections to Deviation Location of an Existing Main Leg Shipment:



Location substituted by:



Departure location of earliest main leg shipment



Difference points in delivery road

No substitution of destination location

Automatic Subsequent Leg Planning: Connectedness to destination location in existing chief leg shipment:



Location substituted by.



Destination location of latest main leg shipment



Destination points of commitment route

No commutation of departure location

Automatic Master Leg Planning: Connexion to destination location in existing preliminary leg shipment:



Location substituted past:



Destination location of latest preliminary leg shipment



Departure points of delivery route

No substitution of difference location

Automatic Main Leg Planning: Connection to departure location in existing subsequent leg shipment:



Location substituted by.



Departure location of earliest subsequent leg shipment



Destination points in commitment route

No substitution of divergence location

Material Cumulation

To programme shipments it is absolutely necessary to know the materials/delivery items to be transported in all details.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

In certain circumstances information technology is not always relevant whether 2 delivery items (one each for 500 liters of red and 500 liters of green pigment, for example) are to be transported. Often it is enough to know that yard liters of pigment have to be planned as shipment appurtenances. The circumstances are similar in batch treatment, where unlike batches from one fabric are divided among several delivery items.

Delivery items can exist combined according to dissimilar criteria in order to achieve a improve overview or to reduce the information book that is to be transferred. This combination (cumulation) tin can take identify separately for each combination of transportation planning position and route. Still it can also be carried out altogether for a transportation planning signal.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

Cumulation of delivery items takes place in a transportation planning interface always related to deliveries. that is, a cantankerous delivery cumulation is not provided for.

When creating planning requests, there are two options for creating planning requests for the cumulation of items in the current delivery:

Reduction of shipment relevant items:

Activating this part affects the following:

Combination of batch items in a header item per textile

Combination of product selection of a textile in a header detail

Deletion of BOM items non relevant to the shipment.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

Text and value items as well as automatically generated packing items are not transferred.

Cumulation according to freight lawmaking:

A freight code set up tin can exist assigned to the combination of transportation planning point and route and the freight lawmaking can be defined together with the material freight group from the material master. The items from a commitment are combined according to freight codes and the type of material will simply be represented past the freight type code in the message. The quantity is only available in weight and book specifications and no longer as number of pieces, and so on.

If both cumulation procedures are activated, cumulation will first be carried out according to shipment relevant items and and so according to freight type.

The selection exists to implement a user specific cumulation via a customer office. This customer function is carried out according to both the reduction of shipment relevant items and freight class. For more information on client functions, see SAP System Settings and Modifications as well as in the online assistance documentation.

Procedure for Transferring Planning Requests

Standard Transfer Procedure with Message Command

Using message control should be regarded as the standard transfer procedure. Other procedures should only exist used in exceptional cases. Transfer with bulletin control contains the post-obit characteristics:

Initial transfer using transaction VT61 generates entries in message control, which are used for creating planning requests for the time planned in the message type and which are and then transferred.

The transfer of planning requests based on changed deliveries takes place automatically.

You can use the control mechanisms in bulletin command.

The following settings allow you lot to set the standard transfer procedure for a planning system:

Create an message type for your planning system based on template 'TPS0'. Don't forget to maintain the processing program too.

Set the required dispatch fourth dimension.

Enter your new bulletin type in the message procedure for the shipping message and gear up the requirement to '40' (delivery to external TPS).

Enter your bulletin type in the transportation planning point assigned to the planning system.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

If several planning systems are continued to your SAP system, then you demand your a different message type for each planning system.

Straight Shipping without Message Control

Direct shipping should be used particularly if using bulletin control volition pb to a considerable loss in performance; that is, if a large number of deliveries accept to be shipped. Planning requests are structured in message control by reading private documents in the SAP system in comparing to directly shipping, where a mass transaction takes place.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

Because of the missing connection to message control, the modify controls are likewise deactivated for commitment documents. Deliveries are therefore not automatically retransferred in one case they have been changed. For a retransfer yous must employ transaction VT61, ensuring that the customer function for avoiding the transfer lock has been activated. You can read more about the customer function in the SAP System Settings and Modifications chapter likewise every bit in the online aid documentation.

In society to activate direct shipping you must not enter whatever bulletin type in the transportation planning point.

Automatic Transfer

Automatic transfer only works with a transportation planning arrangement where all the deliveries are always shipped directly.

Automatic message control has the following characteristics:

Posting a new delivery generates entries in message control, which are used for creating planning requests for the time planned in the message type and which are then transferred.

The transfer of planning requests based on inverse deliveries takes place automatically.

Yous can use the control mechanisms in message control.

The following settings permit you to set the standard transfer procedure for a planning system:

Create an message blazon for your planning system based on template 'TPS0'. Call back to maintain the processing program every bit well.

Set the required dispatch time.

Enter your new message type in the message procedure for the shipping message and go out the requirement field blank.

Enter your bulletin blazon in the transportation planning indicate assigned to the planning system.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.

In addition to the automatic planning arrangement, yous can apply addition systems with standard transfer procedures.


Source: https://help.sap.com/doc/3820bf53d25ab64ce10000000a174cb4/700_SFIN20%20006/de-DE/4b1fbf53d25ab64ce10000000a174cb4.html

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